Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol

Viktor Bodó

Sputnik Shipping Company- The company did not want a stern-sounding, theatrical name, and chose one that is as controversial as its own existence instead.’Sputnik’ symbolises motion into the unknown, with the risk of failure and explosion, but also the opportunity to discover something new and wonderful.Sputnik, founded in January 2008 and led by Viktor Bodó is an independent theatre.What does being independent mean? “Structurally and economically it simply means that we are not operating inside a conventional theatre building that is financed by either a local government or the state, and we need to apply for funds not only for production costs, but our operational costs as well. Our continued operation therefore hinges upon the success of these grant applications and the funds awarded to us. Because of this, and the fact that, our five years of operation and our independent status notwithstanding, we are working with a relatively large permanent cast, we need international co-productions to bolster the funds we are awarded at home.” Sputnik strives to build and sustain a new theatre workshop environment based on experience gained in institutional, conventional theatrical routine: „We ’merely’ seek to become freer and less constrained.“

Vígszínház– Další příklad divadelní budovy navržené v 19. století Ferdinandem Fellnerem a Hermannem Helmerem, jejichž “divadla nového typu” jsou rozeseta po celé Střední Evropě. Tisícimístné hlediště vyžaduje vyvážený repertoár, kdy klasiku doplňují současné texty, progresivní režijní pojetí pak tradičnější. V roce 1962 se jeho uměleckým šéfem stal legendární herec a režisér Zoltán Várkonyi, mezi lety 1985 a 2009 řídil divadlo László Marton a od roku 2009 stojí v jeho čele Enikö Eszenyi.